Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring Fundraising Season

Though it may seem like only yesterday that we were going through the last round of HoCo politico fundraisers we are already jumping into another one. Much like the swallows returning the mission at San Juan Capistrano, familiar faces have returned to the loco fundraising circuit with the crickets. A county exec who wants to be guv and a county councilperson who wants his job, have both announced early spring events in HoCo.

They are within two weeks of each other.

Courtney Watson is first out of the shoot with an event at the Shanty Grill on March 28th. She bills it as a “Spring Reception.” To be fair, the last fundraiser she held was back in late October. That was when she kinda sorta announced that she wanted to be the next exec. She has a lot of friends who think this is a good idea.

She has some other friends among the loco Dems who don’t. They would rather see Guy Guzzone become the next exec. Pam Guzzone also thinks this is a good idea.

Not that he is the most aggressive fundraiser to begin with, but even if Guy wanted to he couldn’t hold a fundraiser until after the session is over, on April 9th.

Advantage Courtney.

She could use it. Despite his seemingly laid back approach to raising money, Guy still has more in the bank.

And then there’s that…

Ken Ulman, on the other hand, is simply following a well thought out plan. He surprised some skeptics with his fundraising prowess which appears to follow a strategy of location and timing. His last loco event was back in early November in Town CenterHe held one in Federal Hill in early January.

 His spring event has been dubbed the “Mingle in Maple Lawn” and will be held on Tuesday, April 10th.

I’ll likely attend both which will run me a little over a hundred fifty bucks. It’s worth it. I actually have fun at these gatherings. I see people I know and have a few laughs. The evenings inevitably result in blog posts too.

There is no cost too high or burden so heavy I wouldn’t bear for the readers of To2C.

By the way, “To2C” was coined by my friend Jessie Newburn (JessieX). I like it. You’ll be seeing more of that here.
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